FAQs About IPL Photofacial
Customers with lighter skin tones and concerns like pigmentation, redness, or mild acne scars need to do IPL photofacial treatment.
Clients typically see results after 3-5 sessions, 4 weeks time interval.
Most clients report mild discomfort, often described as a snapping rubber band sensation. If no feelings, means the treatment is not effective.
Temporary redness or swelling may occur but subsides within a day or two.
Yes, salons can pair IPL with facials, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion for enhanced results.
What Is an IPL Photofacial?
An IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) photofacial is a revolutionary skin treatment that uses broad-spectrum light to rejuvenate the skin. It targets pigmentation issues, uneven skin tone, fine lines, and vascular lesions.
This kind of beauty machine is very popular among beauty salon owners, because of the non-invasive, safe and effective treatment.
How Does IPL Photofacial Work?
IPL photofacials machine emit multiple wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin to treat a variety of conditions. Here’s the process:
- The absorbed energy heats the targeted area, breaking down pigmentation or sealing damaged blood vessels.
- The body naturally clears the treated imperfections over time, leaving the skin brighter and more even.
- The light energy is absorbed by specific pigments in the skin (melanin or hemoglobin).
Unlike lasers, IPL covers a broader treatment area, making it versatile and efficient.