Косметологический аппарат предлагает многофункциональную платформу, объединяющую несколько эстетических процедур в одном аппарате. Ниже приведены четыре различные функции этой машины:
Приложение: Эта функция в первую очередь направлена на удаление волос и омоложение кожи. Он использует широкий спектр света для воздействия на внешний вид волос, а также на различные проблемы кожи, такие как повреждения от солнца, веснушки и пигментные пятна.
Специфические методы лечения:
480nm~1200nm: Targets acne, various facial blemishes.
530nm/590nm~1200nm: Focuses on vascular lesion removal, pigment removal and skin rejuvenation treatment.
640nm/690nm~1200nm: Offers permanent hair removal on various parts of the body including armpits, the lip area, and bikini line.
Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser:
Приложение: This is a laser treatment predominantly used for tattoo removal and pigmentation disorders but also effective for certain anti-aging treatments like wrinkle removal.
Специфические методы лечения:
All colors of tattoo removal.
Removal of pigmented lesions, age spots, and sun spots.
Skin rejuvenation such as wrinkle removal and enhancing skin texture.
Bipolar RF (Radio Frequency):
Приложение: RF energy is utilized for skin tightening and lifting by stimulating collagen production in the dermis. This function helps in improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Специфические методы лечения:
Facial lifting and skin tightness.
Enhancing overall skin texture and tone.
Diode Laser Hair Removal:
Приложение: This leverages a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair by targeting the melanin in hair follicles, effectively reducing hair growth without damaging the surrounding skin.
Специфические методы лечения:
Targeted hair removal across various body parts including legs, arms, back, and face.
The multifunctionality of this beauty machine allows for comprehensive aesthetic treatment options within one device, making it a cost-effective and space-saving solution for beauty clinics. Its design includes independent functional circuits and water paths for each technology ensuring stability and reliability during each treatment type.